Monday, October 8, 2012

Chemical Engineering Particle Technology: Filters in Aquariums

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All aquariums require biological and mechanical filtration to maintain a healthy environment. 


Filtration is a process of filtering a substance. It is a mechanical or physical operation that is used  to separate solids from fluids. Is is done by interposing a filtering medium which only allows the fluid to pass. Solids with big sizes are left in the medium. 

The picture shows how filtration works. The flowing fluid with impurities/solid is moving towards the filter then the solids are left on the filter. 

In an aquarium setting, "All aquariums require biological and mechanical filtration to maintain a healthy environment. The aquarium filter also assists in aerating the water. To effectively maintain an aquarium, a filter should run all the water in the tank through the filter a minimum of four times each hour"[1] 


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics: Plumbing

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In order to connect long straight pipes and regulate the flow of fluid, engineers use fittings.

Plumbing is the system of pipes and drains installed in buildings for the distribution of water. Plumbing came from the latin word plumbum meaning lead, pipes were once made from lead.

Plumbing originated during ancient civilization such as Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian and Chinese cities as they needed to provide water supply and drainage of public wastes of large number of people. Standardized earthen plumbing pipes make us of asphalt in order to prevent leaking.

Fittings are use to change the direction of the long pipes. From straight pipes, they attach fittings to make it bend and go left or right.

The picture above shows the modern design of fittings. The design of fittings have evolved from simple to complex. The loss of energy of the flowing fluid is still accounted. 

More and more designs are created and invented throughout the years. The materials have also been change and many factors are considered in designing the fittings. The materials have changed from lead, to copper to stainless steel. Maybe, the kings and queens of other countries use gold for their plumbing.


Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics: Fans, Blowers and Compressors

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The real purpose of fans is to accelerate the speed of air?

People use fan everyday to relieve themselves from the heat of the sun.  But the main purpose of fans is to accelerate the speed of air. It is used to transfer air from one place to another. In industrial use, like pumps which is used to supply pressure to transfer liquid, fans, blowers and compressors are used to provide pressure to air. 




The images above are examples of a compressor, a blower and a fan. Each of these things have the same purpose, to accelerate the speed of of air. Each picture is made to be more complex. The simplest of the three is the fan. In order to accelerate the speed of the air, each should provide pressure to push the air. The compressor has the highest pressure then the blower and followed by the fan.


Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics: Pipes

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Fluids flowing in pipes experiences loss of energy for transport because of friction on the walls of the pipe.

Have you ever seen long pipes at the backyard of your house? or at your neighbors house? These pipes is used for the transport of liquid from one place to another. If you are ever wondering how these things work, well it is quite simple.

From the water reserve, or a water tank, water is transferred to our homes. The energy that is being used to bring the water down to the faucets of our homes from the tanks is gravitational energy. The set-up of the tank should be high enough to supply sufficient pressure to bring the water up to the farthest distance of a certain place. 

These are pictures of pipes. The longer the pipes or the farther you want to transfer liquid, the more energy you need to get it to that place. 

There are several factors that affects the energy of the flow of liquid in pipes. As mentioned above, the reservoir should be high enough to supply a certain subdivision. Also, friction in pipes account loss of energy. Sometimes, pumps can be use to supply enough pressure or energy to deliver certain amounts of liquid.


Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics: Pumps in Perfume Bottle

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A perfume sprayer uses the mechanism of positive displacement pumps?

Like positive displacement pumps, perfume sprayer or atomizer displaces regular amount of volume. Every time we push the sprayer, a certain volume is being ejected out of the perfume bottle and is released in the open air. At the same time, another batch of liquid is being sucked inside the tube where the next batch of liquid to be displaced rests.

As you can observe when wearing perfume, each time we push the sprayer, the liquid that is brought out are made into small molecules of liquid. This process is called atomizing. It is not the whole liquid that is being squirted out but rather small molecules of it.

This is a picture of the nozzle. A tube is dipped in the bottle where the liquid perfume is reserved. After pressure is applied at the sprayer, it then releases the liquid that is inside the tube and part of the  liquid that is reserve is then suck into the tube. It is because of the horizontal air that passes over a vertical tube that causes the air and liquid in the vertical tube to be pulled upward.
