Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics: Pipes

DiD yOu KnOw?

Fluids flowing in pipes experiences loss of energy for transport because of friction on the walls of the pipe.

Have you ever seen long pipes at the backyard of your house? or at your neighbors house? These pipes is used for the transport of liquid from one place to another. If you are ever wondering how these things work, well it is quite simple.

From the water reserve, or a water tank, water is transferred to our homes. The energy that is being used to bring the water down to the faucets of our homes from the tanks is gravitational energy. The set-up of the tank should be high enough to supply sufficient pressure to bring the water up to the farthest distance of a certain place. 

These are pictures of pipes. The longer the pipes or the farther you want to transfer liquid, the more energy you need to get it to that place. 

There are several factors that affects the energy of the flow of liquid in pipes. As mentioned above, the reservoir should be high enough to supply a certain subdivision. Also, friction in pipes account loss of energy. Sometimes, pumps can be use to supply enough pressure or energy to deliver certain amounts of liquid.


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